A Silenced Senegal

BY NICOLE ELAINE AVERY Paralyzed by unforgettable echoes and unimaginable shrieks, Engulfed by high pitched octaves uttered in choral, Each shrill more piercing than its predecessor, Silenced Voices… Swallowing the space and my spirit,   The rising stench of re-dampened feces concocted with limbs drowning in murky morass reality engender the ambivalence, Daunting shadows of… Read More A Silenced Senegal


BY NICOLE ELAINE AVERY Commentary: Firearms out-date the camera, or the versions one considers a camera, by several hundreds of centuries. Therefore, the likelihood of capturing a villain red-handed would had to have happened in-front-of a painter or quick sculptor in society’s “early-days.” Yet, with today’s ability to capture crime in mid-sentence through video surveillance… Read More Just-ish